Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Of rats, baseball, dancing, and....Jack Black?

So I'm currenlty spending a few minutes avoiding my Spanish papers and giving anyone who actually bothers to read this thing a quick update on my life.
I have eight days of class left in this semester, then exams and I'll be back home in approximately 16 days. Yes, I am counting...more to homework deadlines than anything else.

But on to rats, baseball, dancing, and Jack Black...
So on occassion I have odd dreams. Recently, I had a dream that my friend Luke had a pet rat and he wanted me to play with it. But I was afraid of the rat so I spent my whole visit perched on the back of the couch hiding. Somehow this ended up with us all going dancing so I wouldn't have to see the ugly rat. After dancing, we climbed in a fence-in ball gowns-and played baseball. Don't you wish you'd come with us?

You may be thinking, "Okay, I've heard about rats, baseball, and dancing, but where is Jack Black in all of this?"
So I had a dream where I was with a lot of people hanging out at a friend's house and Jack Black came over for dinner. And he knew all of us and was our friend and everything was completely natural. So weird...
It would be cool to be know Jack Black. I like dancing. Baseball is fun. But I'm not really afraid of rats except in my dreams.

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