Thursday, September 27, 2007

And now I've seen it all...

So for years I've heard people say "Animals are people too." Well this takes the cake. These people want to have a chimpanzee declared a human being. Umm...let's review a few things I remember from biology. A human being belongs to the genus species "homo sapien." A chimpanzee...DOES NOT. They are "Pan troglodytes". They are from the same biological family as us humans, but they are not the same genus or species.
Secondly, if we're going to declare this chimp a human, can we declare my cat a human? I swear he understands English even if he doesn't have the brain capacity to speak English. Plus, you must admit that my cat is MUCH cuter than any chimp. Here, I"ll prove it to you.
Here's Matthew Hiasl Pan, the supposedly human chimpanzee. He's a pretty average looking chimp. He looks friendly and all, but I don't think Matthew and I could ever be good friends.

Now here's my cat; his name is Alex and he's very cute. He sleeps with me at night and he's warm, furry, and snuggly. He likes to watch TV, and he eats fish, turkey, chicken, corn, and black beans. And he'll comfort you when you're sad...if he feels like it.
Now would you rather have a chimpanzee that eats bananas and insects off his fur and scratches himself in weird places or would you rather have this little kitty cat sleeping on your pillow? Now, if you are allergic to cats, I'm sorry and you don't have to come play with my cat, but do you see what I'm trying to say? A chimpanzee is not a person. Thank God the judge agrees with me. Maybe there are still some logical people in this world.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

He's a Pirate

The king and his men stole the queen from her bed and bound her in her boat. The seas be ours and by the powers where we will, we'll roam.
Yo-ho, all together hoist the colors high. Heave ho, thieves and beggars, never shall we die.

Ahoy maties, today be International Talk Like a Pirate Day. Savvy?
So put yer parrot on yer shoulder, feel the wind in the sails, and set off for Tortuga with me. Argh!

Saturday, September 15, 2007

You need a mother very, very badly.

So this morning Noelle and I were driving home from a UCO Service project when we happened upon the subject that it would take a slightly crazy to be married to either of us. So as we pulled up to a red light, I remarked, "Noelle, let's go find us some nutso men."
And then this car pulled up next to us and the guy driving it was checking us out.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

On second thought, let us not go to Camelot. It is a silly place.

No se de ustedes pero a veces me gusta un lugar sonso. Si quieres saber porque hablo en Espanol, pueden preguntarme.

And that's all for the Cecilia speaking Spanish show for today.

I was sitting in my Brit Lit class today when I came to a realization. I've heard some really funny quotations in the past few days and I need to share them with someone. Also I need to tell you all about how for two days the DSL in my house wasn't working but then when we disconnected the DSL from the DSL filter and just let it run on it's own through the phone jack, the stupid blinking red light suddenly turned green. Fue un milagro!

Now for your quotations...
"'s the new confession." Joan Morgan, a speaker at a presentation I attended yesterday.
"My dad doesn't compare with Satan." My Brit Lit prof on how Hellboy being Satan's son is not exactly something you run across on a daily basis.

Monday, September 10, 2007

A person can develop la post nasal drip with a wheeze

So life is going along swimmingly. I haven't been swimming since Long Lake, but that doesn't matter. My classes are going wonderfully; I'll sum them up briefly for you.
Diversity in Education: it's going to be a ton of fun; the prof is ridiculously liberal but really good at what he does.
Spanish 322: Me gusta esta clase mucho. La profesora conoce mucho y aprendo mucho.
Brit Lit 1: I love this class. The prof is great and it's fun. Okay so it's at 8:30 am and I'm not that awake, but it's good. I like it a great deal.
Intro to Education: I have the same prof here as I do in Diversity and he's really good; I'm a fan of this class.
Social Problems (sociology 280): He's a psycho hippie but that's okay. He's funny, but he never lets you know where he stands on anything. I'd rather disagree with every single one of his opinions than not know what he thinks.

And now to the rest of my life. I have developed a rather nasty cough. It sounds rather unpleasant and worries me a great deal. I am consuming cough drops at a rate that just might keep Hall's Fruit Breezers in business and I'm also helping Spartan Brand NyQuil out a bit as well.
If anyone has a diagnosis for my cough, please let me know. I don't think it's bronchitis but Lauren mentioned it might be croup. All mothers are welcome to give me their input.