Monday, April 30, 2007

a brief recap of a boring life

We're having a thunderstorm. My cat does not like this. But I'll tell you when Senor Alex the Cat does like-gum wrappers from peppermint gum. He licks them and acts like he's found his mommy or something. It's really adorable.
On Thursday, I returned to the old familial homestead and my favorite thing about this lovely house is free food cooked by my dear darling mother. (Henceforth and heretofore, my dear darling mother shall be referred to as the DDM.) I've also been unpacking and cleaning my room. I donated two garbage bags of old clothes to the poor today. I couldn't believe how much random stuff I've collected since I last cleaned my closet.
Friday night, I saw Richard's production of West Side Story. It was wonderful. Those kids can sing, dance, and act. I also got to see some old friends and I actually spent most of Friday with the wonderful Jenny and my beloved Alaina. I hadn't seen Laina since New Year's Eve so Friday was wonderful.
Saturday, I don't remember what I did. I spent the evening with Annie but I can't remember anything else. Maybe that means Saturday was just really boring. Let's go with that idea. Saturday was probably too boring to mention.
Sunday, I went to church and the Word of Life prayer meeting...again seeing people I hadn't seen in ages.
And today, I went job applying. I have an interview on Thursday at Bath and Body Works. I'd really like to get that job. So I'd appreciate any and all prayers y'all could send my way.

Keep your stick on the ice, dear friends!

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

My apparent refusal to develop morally

I really like psychology; it's a very intriguing subject matter. But I cannot stand my psychology professor. I'm taking Life Span Human Development and this woman is one odd duck. This morning, during her lecture she was discussing (and not for the first time) how religious people never progress beyond a certain level of development. Apparently, I am in formal operations and I will never progress into concrete operations. Well la-dee-da! I like being Catholic. And if that means I stop developing morally and psychologically okay, we'll do that! Because being Catholic is fun!.
And today she was off on how people who go to church are just doing it for social status, like so other people will think better of them. I'm sorry. I've never gone to church to gain social status. After class I was talking to a good friend who also happens to be Catholic; we're going to call her Lizzie because it's her name. So Lizzie and I were walking and talking; we're multi-talented. And we were discussing how this prof really annoys us with her close-mindedness, of which she regularly accuses Christians. We also discussed her penchant for gross generalizations, something else of which Lizzie and I are supposedly guilty. And Lizzie agreed with me; she admitted that she doesn't go to Mass for social gain. "I don't want to get up every Sunday morning in time for 10 o'clock Mass. It's hard." And I agree with her. Why make that kind of sacrifice just for social gain?
Now if I'm going because I want to worship my God and receive him in the Eucharist, then I have a reason to be dragging myself to an 8am Mass or a 10am Mass. God is my reason. God is my motivation. And if people think better of me because I go to Mass, well then, maybe they will go to Mass with me and learn more about God.

Friday, April 13, 2007

things under my desk

I'm cleaning my room in preparation for moving back home in 13 days. And I have to say I have kept a lot of plastic bags under my desk lately. I also have textbooks in my laundry basket...not quite sure why I put them there. I also have a towel I borrowed from someone for one day back in November. Yeah...I'm a weird sort of pack rat. I had 18 lids from Jones Soda bottles saved. So I typed up the fortunes and threw away the lids.
So here are 18 "fortunes" for you with my comments.
  1. Call an old friend (in bed).
  2. Ask yourself why (you're here).
  3. Concentration leads to success (in bed).
  4. You will find security being with a loved one (in bed).
  5. Destroy the beeper. (I'm really confused by this one.)
  6. Make as many corrections as you consider needed (on your homework).
  7. Time is the wisest counselor. (no comment)
  8. An important decision shall soon be yours (in bed).
  9. See a sunrise. (You have to get out of bed to do that.)
  10. Accept a gift graciously. (I got this one around Christmas.)
  11. The project that you have in mind now gains momentum (in bed).
  12. Good fortune will soon find you (in bed).
  13. You will soon receive compliments on your style.
  14. Go to your elders when you feel a crisis (in bed).
  15. You will make exciting holiday plans. (another Christmas present)
  16. Many ideals are becoming real (in bed).
  17. The strengths in your character will bring you serenity (in bed).
  18. A balance is needed between home and business (in bed).
Some of those are really wrong when you add "in bed" although my favorite was one that read "You will soon receive a promotion." Prostitution anyone?

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Of rats, baseball, dancing, and....Jack Black?

So I'm currenlty spending a few minutes avoiding my Spanish papers and giving anyone who actually bothers to read this thing a quick update on my life.
I have eight days of class left in this semester, then exams and I'll be back home in approximately 16 days. Yes, I am counting...more to homework deadlines than anything else.

But on to rats, baseball, dancing, and Jack Black...
So on occassion I have odd dreams. Recently, I had a dream that my friend Luke had a pet rat and he wanted me to play with it. But I was afraid of the rat so I spent my whole visit perched on the back of the couch hiding. Somehow this ended up with us all going dancing so I wouldn't have to see the ugly rat. After dancing, we climbed in a fence-in ball gowns-and played baseball. Don't you wish you'd come with us?

You may be thinking, "Okay, I've heard about rats, baseball, and dancing, but where is Jack Black in all of this?"
So I had a dream where I was with a lot of people hanging out at a friend's house and Jack Black came over for dinner. And he knew all of us and was our friend and everything was completely natural. So weird...
It would be cool to be know Jack Black. I like dancing. Baseball is fun. But I'm not really afraid of rats except in my dreams.

Monday, April 02, 2007

Let's go swimming...with our cell phones!

So last Friday I didn't have to work. So I was sitting around chatting with some friends when we decided that we NEEDED to go snake hunting. Now I have never felt any particular urge to go snake hunting but I had nothing else to do until 7pm, so I put on some comfortable clothes and my only pair of shoes that doesn't fall into the categories of "boots" "flip-flops" or "pretty dress shoes". So we eight headed off into the "wilds" of our nearby ravines. And then a little later another friend got out of class and came to join us.
So we now nine began looking for snakes and other forms of wild life. We found three snakes, two frogs, and a toad or two. In the process of finding one toad, one friend (whom we shall refer to as Moses) discovered some delightful sinking sand. Moses sunk up to his knees-and he does have a bad knee to begin with, so this was not exactly ideal. But Moses and the other males of our company got Moses out of the mud and we continued on our merry way.
And a bit later, we came upon a body of water that we needed to cross...and it proved a bit difficult. There was some debris floating on the surface as well as a log stretched across the creek/brook/stream. However, one of the boys (we'll call him Barbantio) decided that our best option would be to jump across on the debris. This idea was proposed while we were under the impression that the creek/brook/stream was only a few feet-maybe three feet- deep. So Barbantio decided to try walking across the C/B/S on the debris and then fell into the C/B/S. This event convinced Barbantio that he needed to devise a new way of crossing the C/B/S. After a few minutes he decided the best course of action would be to scoot across the C/B/S on the log.
So we all started doing this one at a time. And when it was my turn, I started scooting across the log until I fell into the river...with my cell phone in my pocket. Moses and another friend (Percival) pulled me out of the river and I got back on the log making my way across the C/B/S successfully this time. After we had everyone across the C/B/S, we moved on and began making our way back to campus. At a fork in the road, we split into two groups to see which way back was faster. Barbantio, Rebohoam, and Theseus went to the left and got out of the forest about fifteen minutes after those of us who had ventured to the right. We thought we were lost for quite a long time but in the end we came out near the art building. And to celebrate our survival of the woods, we went to the student center for smoothies.
My cell phone-Mr. Edmund Bertram-did not like falling in the water. He went into a coma for about 24 hours due to all the water that he had taken in but he was disconnected from his battery while he drained and he is now doing much better.

Saturday and Sunday were far less eventful although Saturday I went to a Seder dinner where I saw many wonderful people and Sunday I got my butt kicked in Dance Dance Revolution (DDR for the acronimists among us) by a ten-year-old who can't spell cantaloupe.
But I can spell cantaloupe so I'll go farther in life.