Monday, April 30, 2007

a brief recap of a boring life

We're having a thunderstorm. My cat does not like this. But I'll tell you when Senor Alex the Cat does like-gum wrappers from peppermint gum. He licks them and acts like he's found his mommy or something. It's really adorable.
On Thursday, I returned to the old familial homestead and my favorite thing about this lovely house is free food cooked by my dear darling mother. (Henceforth and heretofore, my dear darling mother shall be referred to as the DDM.) I've also been unpacking and cleaning my room. I donated two garbage bags of old clothes to the poor today. I couldn't believe how much random stuff I've collected since I last cleaned my closet.
Friday night, I saw Richard's production of West Side Story. It was wonderful. Those kids can sing, dance, and act. I also got to see some old friends and I actually spent most of Friday with the wonderful Jenny and my beloved Alaina. I hadn't seen Laina since New Year's Eve so Friday was wonderful.
Saturday, I don't remember what I did. I spent the evening with Annie but I can't remember anything else. Maybe that means Saturday was just really boring. Let's go with that idea. Saturday was probably too boring to mention.
Sunday, I went to church and the Word of Life prayer meeting...again seeing people I hadn't seen in ages.
And today, I went job applying. I have an interview on Thursday at Bath and Body Works. I'd really like to get that job. So I'd appreciate any and all prayers y'all could send my way.

Keep your stick on the ice, dear friends!

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