Tuesday, June 24, 2008

A Poll of Sorts

So I've decided to create a second blog to keep y'all posted sobre mi vida en Espana. However, I have a few ideas of what to name this new blog and I want sus opiniones sobre el nombre.
1) Grandes Exitos (great/large successes)
2) La Vida Es un Ratico (life is a moment.)
3) Como Vivir Asi (as to live thus)

So cast your votes and they will be considered accordingly.


D.Cous. said...

Name it like a song, and use two of the three titles (with parentheses):

La Vida Es un Ratico (Como Vivir Asi)

Cool, no? :)

Happy travels!

DaWheeze said...

I have to vote for number two because I'm a Juanes fan and like the reference. That's my vote.

DaWheeze said...

I have to vote for two because I'm a Juanes fan. Followed by number one and then three.