Sunday, October 14, 2007

Something's Up

So today I was at Meijer's with Noelle. She needed to grab something from one part of the store and I needed something from another part of the store. So we went our separate ways and were off searching. Suddenly, the store goes pitch black for about a whole second or two. And then a woman screamed. Then the emergency generator kicked in gear and then...behold...THERE WAS LIGHT!
But it was still very dim. And a voice came over the PA saying "Will all employees please report to customer service?"
The store remained dimly lit for the rest of our shopping expedition. Then we drove home and until about half a mile or maybe a bit more from our house, there was no power. But now we're home where we have power.
And Lauren and Audrey have joined us for the evening.

1 comment:

DaWheeze said...

Scary. Lots of people you don't know all with you in the dark. And a screaming woman. Wonder what that was about.