Sunday, July 08, 2007

Fit as a Fiddle

So I've decided to come clean about one of my deep and abiding medical problems. This ailment has been troubling me for many years but the doctors refuse to accept this as a real medical condition. However, I took it to the local pharmaceutical companies and they told me that not only did I have a dreadful medical condition, but they could offer me a prescription for it. Now, my insurance won't cover the drugs and it costs an arm and a leg, literally, but I think it's really worth it.
So the other day, I gave them my right leg and and my left arm in exchange for a prescription to treat my disease. But having only one leg is actually quite helpful; I'm only in half as much pain as I once was. You see, since I was seven years old, I've been suffering from restless baby toe syndrome.

I feel so much better now after getting that off my chest.

1 comment:

D.Cous. said...

What was your baby toe doing on your chest? That thing really IS restless, it sounds serious. I'd say that I hope the drugs are doing what they aught, but it sounds like they are.