Sunday, December 16, 2007

Indescribably Weird

I really had no plans on blogging anytime in the near future or perhaps at all until I return to Grand Rapids in January. (I came home a bit earlier than expected due to no hours available at BABs and my great-aunt's unexpected death.)
But then I stumbled upon this bit of news and I knew I had to blog at least one last time. I mean this story is better than the story about Matthew Pan Hiasl, everyone's favorite "person."
During Long Lake this summer, Jenny and I had a long, late night discussion about bigamy, polygamy, and David's wives. David had eight wives: Michal, Abigail, Bathsheba, Ahinoam, Maachah, Haggith, Abital, and Eglah. For more information on this, please feel free to see the most reliable source on the internet.
But here's the thing; David only had eight wives; this lady had TEN husbands. What do you do with ten husbands? I mean, okay, besides the obvious... I mean, I like guys as much as the next straight girl, but dude...that's just weird. Okay, so she was probably doing it for more money than anything else but why would you want to marry ten men? Wouldn't it get confusing? I mean, I have enough trouble keeping a couple of guys' names straight in my mind and they're just my friends. What on earth would I do if I had ten men whose names I HAD to keep straight? I guess name tags could be an option or you could number them but all of that is a bit excessive. Which leads us to....
Reason #874 why Bigamy/Polygamy are a bad idea: How do you keep their names straight?


D.Cous. said...

She keeps their names straight because she is blackmailing them all. She probably has a list.

Also, the biggest surprise of the story to me is that there's a 26-year-old woman out there named "Eunice."

DaWheeze said...

Heh, I'm with Donal on that one, what a name, poor girl. Maybe that's why she has ten husbands: she has self-esteem issues because of her name and has to have a lot of men in her life (to blackmail) to make up for it. Just a thought, welcome back Cecelia!

Anonymous said...

Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é . Um abraço.